Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Christmas OTD

Sorry about the awkward picture I couldn't get a better one :p

I wanted to post a Christmas OTD because I really like what I wore. I ended up not doing much for christmas i saw the doctor who christmas special, got some doc martens that I am swapping for another color but thats a bout it. The ugly Christmas cardigan was a gift from a good friend, the top was thrifted, I was going to buy this gorgeous bright red tartan dress from the 90's a vintage shop but I walked up there and she expected me to pay 25$ for something used! When you go to a thrift or vintage show there is no way you should ever pay that much unless its from a long time ago (70's and back) or from a really good designer.
I ended up walking down the block to a thrift store where I bought 7 things for 9$ , including the top which was is from the 80's.

So when you guys go thriftingwhat's the max amount you will spend?


  1. I've never been thrift shopping before but I'm diggin that hat.

  2. Thanks,for your lovely comment on my blog and sorry
    for my late answer.
    Hope we can follow each other????
    Lovely greets Nessa

  3. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Your style is so unique and I'm loving the "ugly cardigan", though it actually looks pretty good :) xx

  4. Aw, look at your tree!
    Tacky Christmas sweaters for the win! haha
    Happy new year!

    I definitely am not spending any more than $20 when I go to a thrift shop, just listen to the Macklemore song ;p


  5. Love the jacket :)
    Happy New Year :)

  6. I got it in a glossybox and it was really good for my cuticles..because they're so dry. So it helped me. But I know..this scent isn't nice for anyone :)

    nice outfit ..looks like rockstar :)

  7. Love the cardigan :) x
