Sunday, October 7, 2012

Peter pan collar nails

Hello blog today I have a nail tutorial in store for you in honor of  Nails. Fashion. Beauty. Life who does amazing nails on her blog. Thank you so much for following me I really appreciated it!

So this tutorials very simple I think just about anyone can do it with a little practice
So here's what you need:
Paper reinforcement stickers
A nail polish striper( or a nail art pen you could even use a tooth pick)
A nail polish of the the same color as the nail striper
And a nail polish of a totally different color

1. So first stick the paper reinforcement sticker over 
the cutical just enough so about say half the stiker is on your nail and then paint over it like so.

2.Then when that drys take off the sticker if you want ( if your new to nail art I suggest you don't do it's a bit easier then the sticker is still on).

3.Then you want to draw the curved line of the collar with the nail striper and then another line to finish the out line.

4. Then after you draw the lines for the collar you want to fill it in with nail polish.

5. Then you want to give it a top coat and clean it up a bit to you liking (sorry no picture for this I forgot to take a picture of the finished product.) 


  1. Hey Simone, thanks for dropping by my blog :)

    This is a great idea!! I'll keep it in mind if I ever start doing my nails x

    1. Omg thank you so much for checking out my blog! I really apprecate it because your blog is one of my favorites! :D

  2. This is a cool idea! I might have to try this very soon!

    1. Hey Miracle thanks for visting my blog you should defiantly try this out it very easy tell me if you end up doing it

  3. These are absolutely adorable! Thanks for the idea. I even love the color scheme you chose. Perfect for fall, and looks like it'll go with almost anything. I looove gold/tan/brown with black.

    1. The tan is a Franken polish it's a very odd color I was attempting to make a neutral for may skin tone. I did not totally succeed. It turned out to be a nice color though

  4. these look so cool! x

  5. Lovely tutorial! Will be trying this out!

    Emma x

    1. Thank if you. If you do this please send me a picture at :D

  6. I Loveeee this, I will for sure be trying it out!
    Lovely blog, keep up the great work!

    Check out my blog at
